Conducttr Demos
Choose the demo that's right for you
Play now through our ready-to-run exercises and vignettes
We have three libraries of realistic team exercises for you to choose from and explore at your own pace.

We have now created a Conducttr Worlds for you.

We’ve sent you an email to access it through your unique link.

Check your spam folder if you can’t find it!
How it Works
Register above for any of our available demo libraries (running on Conducttr Worlds) to play a ready-to-run exercise or vignette.

After sign-up you'll immediately gain access (look for an the email in your inbox - there’ll be a link to your unique simulation space).

Over time we may email you when we've added something new or updated a demo. You can opt-out of notifications at any time.
Business World
A library of corporate exercises including cyber attacks, natural disasters, supply chain issues, business continuity incidents and more.
Defence World
Defence-related vignettes from the areas of Information Operations, Counter-Terrorism, disinformation and more.
MENA World
A set of scenarios set in Middle East and North Africa focused on regional issues and major incidents.
Organise a 1-to-1
Contact us and we’ll be able to discuss your specific needs for a tailored demo and answer any questions.